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Monday, January 24, 2011



We have been learning about the companies coming together to from another company and companies taking over the existing companies to expand their business. With recession taking toll of many Indian businesses and the feeling of insecurity surging over our businessmen, it is not surprising when we hear about the immense numbers of corporate restructurings taking place, especially in the last couple of years. Several companies have been taken over and several have undergone internal restructuring, whereas certain companies in the same field of business have found it beneficial to merge together into one company. In this context, it would be essential for us to understand what corporate restructuring and mergers and acquisitions are all about.

All our daily newspapers are filled with cases of mergers, acquisitions, spin- offs, tender offers, & other forms of corporate restructuring. Thus important issues both for business decision and public policy formulation have been raised. No firm is regarded safe from a takeover possibility. On the more positive side Mergers & Acquisition’s may be critical for the healthy expansion and growth of the firm. Successful entry into new product and geographical markets may require Mergers & Acquisition’s at some stage in the firm's development. Successful competition in international markets may depend on capabilities obtained in a timely and efficient fashion through Mergers & Acquisition's. Many have argued that mergers increase value and efficiency and move resources to their highest and best uses, thereby increasing shareholder value. Opt for a merger or not is a complex affair, especially in terms of the technicalities involved. We have discussed almost all factors that the management may have to look into Before going for merger. Considerable amount of brainstorming would be required by the managements to reach a conclusion. E.g. A due diligence report would clearly identify the status of the company in respect of the financial position along with the net worth and pending legal matters and details about various contingent liabilities. Decision has to be taken after having discussed the pros & cons of the proposed merger & the impact of the same on the business, administrative costs benefits, addition to shareholders' value, tax implications including stamp duty and last but not the least also on the employees of the Transferor or Transferee Company.

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